Lai Deshay

Personal Lifestyle Blog by Lai Deshay

7-Day Mind, Body, and Spirit Challenge

Hi everyone! Long time no talk right? 

As of recently I have being feeling not like myself and been out of tune with my goals and kind of lacking spiritually as well. So during my quiet time with the Lord I came across a thought of making a challenge. I felt like my mental and spiritual health were being jeopardized so I decided to make a list of things I wanted to accomplish and it ultimately lead me to making this challenge.

Mental and spiritual health are two vital parts of life and if yours are out of whack it could be detrimental to your well being. The reason I thought I would share this is because I sometimes like to be held accountable. I find that if I don't share my goals with the people closest to me I seem to not accomplish them.

So I thought why not share with my blog views, family and friends! One thing that is to be noted is that you are never suffering alone in this world. There is always someone out there that is feeling the same way that you are. There is always someone that relate to you even if they aren't near you. I may be hundreds or thousands of miles away but I go through stuff too and I love to be your pen-pal or just give you some advice. You can always contact me with advice or life questions at

But without fourth ado here is the challenge that I have created for us! If you want to partake in this challenge please do so with me and share your experiences with me or your Facebook or whatever it might be!

Daily goals:
Stand in the superman pose.
Notice how you talk to yourself. 1/Sunday:
Mind: think about what influences your decisions. Whether it be what influenced your breakfast or what influenced you to do this challenge

Body: meditate for 10 minutes before bed in complete silents

Spirit: in the first 20 minutes of waking up listen to a prayer or spiritual leader

Day 2/Monday:
Mind: think about why you like your favorite show and what parts of it speak to you? 

Body: stretch before bed

Spirit: create an email for God and text him about your day and your troubles

Day 3/Tuesday:
Mind: instead of listening to music listen to a podcast

Body: wear your favorite outfit and stand in superman pose in the mirror before leaving the house

Spirit: write a text to God and tell him everything you're grateful for that day

Day 4/Wednesday: 
Mind: look at a situation you perceive as negative and see if you can find different ways to look at it positively. Find the silver lining 

Body: find a way to laugh

Spirit: read a whole chapter of an influential book

Day 5/Thursday:
Mind: take a personality quiz. Even if labeling isn't your thing find out how people might see you. Sometimes seeing how other people see you helps you see yourself better

Body: hug someone for 35 seconds

Spirit: talk to God about the thing you love most in life

Day 6/Friday:
Mind: find a short free ebook and read it

Body: dance unapologetically. Dance like no one is watching even if they are 😉

Spirit: listen to what you consider worship/spiritual music all day then reflect on your day with a text to God

Day 7/Saturday:
Mind: do something new like paint or draw

Body: take a scenic walk get extra steps in.

Spirit: recap on what you learned about yourself this week. Thank God for the progress you made and thank him for your dedication. Then ask him how can I take this dedication and apply it to other areas of your life.

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