Lai Deshay

Personal Lifestyle Blog by Lai Deshay

How To Do A Social Media Fast | @LaiDeshay ♛

Hey everyone! 

Have you ever been thinking? What on Earth could I give up for a fast? Well I am here to tell you that giving up  social media is harder than food. It is so rewarding but also super challenging; well if you are an admitted addict like me...

So December 2018 I was told to make sure that I am not idolizing my phone and it really not only shook me up, snatched me up, and called me out but all of the above. This lady was prophesying all over my life and it’s crazy because I literally found her on accident. I was trying to find a completely different person and she just came to me with more than just help she gave me insight.

I have since been actively trying to limit my social media consumption as well as my mindless internet searches that lead me to 2 hour videos on how to resole a red bottom and I don't have own any yet. I spend approximately 8 hours a day on my phone... that is so bananas to me. I definitely need to hit the restart button. We are in a world where we do not live on bread alone. Some of us, my included, have conditioned ourselves to "need" social media. We need to see or fill our feeds. I wanted to break the cycle. I needed to wake up be free. So here are some steps to beasting your social media fast!

How to Master a Social Media Fast!

1. Set your intentions 

Why are you doing this fast? What do you want to accomplish? What would you like God to help you with during this time? 

2. Create a "vision board" for the week/month/or period of fasting

Having a visual representation of what you want to accomplish the week of fasting is such a powerful tool! 

3. Spend that time you would be on social media attempting to do something better

What I do with the time I would be on social media, is try everyday to do something on my monthly vision board. So as I am writing this blog post I am doing something productive. I have been trying to grow this blog for years and have not due to nothing but poor time management (me to me: yes call me out sis). If you want better, do better.

4. Pick a realistic time frame

So if you are doing this not within the constraints of a church and this is a personal fast for personal growth here is how I would go about doing it. I would think "hmm, what is the longest I could be off of social media (or anything)?" if my first thought is 4 days I would challenge myself to go beyond that. Its not really a fast if you don't sweat a little bit and miss it. For instance, (about to call someone out I already know lol) if you say okay I'm going to fast two days but you know you those two days you don't really use social media then is that really fasting? That's pretty much cheating in my opinion and I want you to actually make a sacrifice for God. So lets not cheat God and let's give him a real sacrifice while being realistic. I just don't want you to say "I am going to fast from air for one year in Jesus name"... People be wild'n out sometimes, I'm just saying. It should be a time frame that is a little challenging and also something you can actually complete. I just want you guys to be successful. 

5. Set some prayer points

This is a good one, my favorite part actually! Prayer points coincide really with the first tip. You can lay out your intentions as prayer points. Here are some examples for Prayer Points: Family, future husband/wife/children, financial stability, mental clarity, breaking stronghold and demonic oppression. That was just to name a few but whatever your prayer point(s) are be sure to constantly go back to it. Pray on it when you think about going back to social media. Pray on it when you wake up. When you go to sleep.

6. Make sure you tell God what you are dedicating this fast to

This kind of all ties together with the 1st & 5th point but I make sure you let God know why you are doing this. Express that you are doing this and what you need him to reveal to you during this time. A loose sample prayer could be "Father God, I am coming to you today with my living sacrifice in hope to achieve kingdom advancement. I dedicate the time I could have and would have been spending on social media to you." Something along those lines. Its not necessary to say that all day long but maybe in your morning or even prayer or both. Do what you feel lead to do.

7. Improve you communication with God

What I mean by this is make it a point to talk to God more. It makes me think of Chance the Rapper saying "I speak to God in public." My great friend Jimme commented on a post and said to try to talk to God like you talk to your mom, friend, family member. Don't be afraid to just be real and straight up with him. Not depending on your background in faith that may not work for you I just say use your discretion I guess.

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